Now Playing: A Tribute to Military Women (Instrumental)
For decades, women have either supported the military by giving their time, talents or through actively participating as soldiers themselves. They have served in numerous capacities from fighting in the revolutionary war (incognito), and test flying fighter jets in WWII to serving as legal counselors in the JAG Corps, as nurses in the Nurse Corps and most recently as “Lionesses” in the Iraq War supporting house to house search missions. At times they have engaged in battle.
Of course the reasons women serve are varied, but I believe the underlying theme for all of us is love for this great country and a desire to preserve our freedom. There is no other country on earth like America! Because of the sacrifices of women and men past and present, America remains “The land of the free and the home of the brave.”
I stand today as a representative, a symbol of women who through the years have chosen to serve our country in whatever way they could. Courageous women who have left family and home to go on an adventure that could be dangerous and even require the ultimate sacrifice. Many women have given their lives for America and many are serving at this very hour. To my knowledge there has never been a song written specifically about and for us, highlighting the difficult decisions and sacrifices we have faced and have sometimes been ridiculed for. I felt compelled to try my hand at penning a song and with the help of Debra L. Perry my producer, I am able to realize the production of this song –
“A Tribute to Military Women”.
I have also compiled a DVD of authentic pictures that I believe depicts the essence and spirit of Military Women through the years. It is my way of recognizing the contributions my fellow country women and it is my hope that this song will engender appreciation and respect for every Military Woman you will ever meet or read about. Right now, they need to know that America is aware of their sacrifice and sees them as the heroes they are. Your recognition means more to us than you know!
Thanks for your support!
Joyce Lynn